3rd Edge

Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

Clinical Trials Report


The Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) is focused on discovery drugs that prevent, treat and cure the debilitating disease of Alzheimer's. ADDF seeks out and funds some of the most innovative and promising research in the world. They asked 3rd Edge to help them develop a Clinical Trials Report that highlight the emerging drugs in their pipeline.

Focus Area
  • Health & Research
cover of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report

Presenting Promise

We focused on presenting a volume of scientific data in a clear, concise manner. Information graphics were designed to highlight the wide range of targets and therapy types in their clinical drug portfolio. These graphics help emphasize that ADDF is conducting Alzheimer's research in areas that have not previously been explored. Readers are presented with a comprehensive overview of ADDF's clinical trials pipeline and the progress of drug development throughout.

inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report
inside spread of ADDF 2021 clinical trials report

Building a Visual Vocabulary

Building on ADDF's existing visual brand, we created a report that extends their visual vocabulary. Custom iconography and illustration helps readers to intuitively understand the diversity and depth of ADDF's research. We strived to achieve a balance between written content, infographics and white space in the report's layout. 3rd Edge met a tight timeline to develop the report for presentation at the 14th Annual Clinical Trials on Alzheimer’s Disease Conference (CTAD) in Boston.